Joseph Robinson

Joseph Robinson

Joseph Robinson (1820 - 1917) became the major local shipowner during the late 1800s and early 1900s, and owned a succession of at least forty two vessels over this period. In 1903 he owned seven vessels and all seven of his sons (out of twelve children) sailed in them. In the period covered by the postcards he generally purchased older small sailing coasters of 200-400 tons bringing cargoes, often coal, into Littlehampton or Arundel. When they became uneconomic they were sold off as ‘hulks’ for storage. 

Joseph's story Joseph Robinson and the Arun Ships is told in a limited edition book by one of his descendants, copies of which are in the Littlehampton Library. 

Joseph Robinson’s yacht, ENA


Joseph Robinson’s vessels feature on several postcards, including his own yacht Ena.